
Image Credit: Stockholm Resilience Centre

I’m a Climate-Biosphere Scientist, Communicator, & Advocate, working to understand and enhance Earth system & socio-ecological resilience for an age of Climate and Ecological crisis.

I’m based in Brighton, England, and am working as a Research Impact Fellow at the University of Exeter’s Global Systems Institute helping to lead the Global Tipping Points Report and working with the Earth Commission to set safe and just Earth system boundaries. I’m also an associated researcher at Stockholm Resilience Centre, and do a bit of freelance research consulting and science communication via Georesilience Analytics.

I’m fascinated by the co-evolution of the Earth, life, and human societies as complex and dynamic systems, and what this means for our future. Particular topics of focus include climate tipping points and feedbacks, drivers and indicators of ecological resilience, and the sustainability of local to global food systems.

Find out more about my work below: